Friday, July 29, 2011

Serah or SunHee

I sketch my niece copies me putting my baby son sleep.
My sister said first one looks like Serah or Sandy.
Second sketch looks like an Asian girl- might be Sunhee.

I chose the second one to paint.


  1. 세라도 귀엽고, 순이도 귀엽네요. ^^ 은주씨 작업은 부드럽고 따뜻해요. 저는 세라랑 순이랑 엄마 놀이 하면서 같이 노는 장면도 좋을것 같아요. 그러면, 좀더 백인과/동양인의 차이를 보여줄수 있어서 좋을듯 싶어요.
    저는 채색한 후 부드러운 느낌을 개인적으로 좋아하긴 하는데, 스케치에서 보여주는 강약의 선의 느낌도 참 좋네요.아마, 스케치를 자주하셔서, 선이 힘차게 느껴지는것 같아요. 어디서, 아이들은 선이 들어간 그림을 좋아한다고 본것 같아요. ^^

  2. I like both Sera and Sunhee. I think you can made them play with each other. Then, YOu can distinguish the girls. Specially, it will be nice to show two different race.
    I like your color image,however, I love your sketch lines. It is very strong. I think it is because you practice your sketches everyday. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Hi, Eunju!
    I like her expression of the right one. She has the warmth of mother!
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hi Chiaki-
    How are you? How old is your daughter?
    I am glad you join this site. Thanks to Sansu!
    I am looking forward to seeing your recent work.

  5. Yeh, Sunhee has warmth of mother and sandy looks more playful! I am glad you two are already know each other!
